Volume 132 (13,200-13,299)

Problem ID Title Solution by Most Popular Input by
13200 Super Gifts
13201 Sparse Domino Tiling
13202 Firefighting Heroes
13203 Disk Madness
13204 Count These Permutations
13205 Antivirus
13206 Beautiful Triad
13207 AirCraft: Monster
13208 Drought in Nlogonia
13209 My Password Is a Palindromic Prime Number
13210 Macarons in La FĂȘte
13211 Geonosis
13212 How Many Inversions?
13213 Quidditch Match
13214 The Robot's Grid
13215 Polygonal Park
13216 Problem with a Ridiculously Long Name but with a Ridiculously Short Description
13217 Amazing Function
13218 Broken Calculator Keys
13219 Cats and Vets
13220 Delicious Binary Strings
13221 Elegant Pillars
13222 Faster Networks
13223 Graph Colorings
13224 Hobbit's Resistor Graphs
13225 Incredible Sums
13226 Just Pentagon Perimeter
13227 Katrina's Shadow
13228 Laser Avoidance
13229 Alice's Travels
13230 Brackets Everywhere
13231 Catch the Rats
13232 Do Pillars Again
13233 Easy Permutation Problem
13234 Fantastic Sorting Algorithm
13235 Graph Cut of Maximum XOR Weight
13236 Hedgehogs Communicate
13237 Intersecting Semi-Circles
13238 Just More Permutations
13239 Kid's Simple Puzzle Problem
13240 Looking at Divisors
13241 Blade Ranas 2040
13242 Pool Filling
13243 The broken DNA of Jack the Ripper
13244 Space Happiness
13245 Prime Darts
13246 Chained Words
13247 Recomputing Dependencies
13248 Rogue One: Time to Impact
13249 A Contest to Meet
13250 Balance Game
13251 Compact Terms
13252 Rotating Drum
13253 Rational Coins
13254 Fish
13255 FujikoMine
13256 Hip-$n$
13257 License Plates
13258 Romeo and Juliet Secrets
13259 Soccer Championship
13260 Alice's Travels II
13261 Between Ceiling and Floor
13262 Count Equation Solutions
13263 Determinant Fun
13264 Easy Tiling Problem
13265 Finding Paths
13266 Great Coin Game
13267 Half the Polygon
13268 Interesting Resister Graph
13269 Journey through Gridland
13270 Kid's Spiral Problem
13271 Brick Walls
13272 Bracket Sequence
13273 Making a Team
13274 Christmas Tree
13275 Leap Birthdays
13276 Megamind
13277 XOR Path
13278 Angry Birds Transformers
13279 Divisors
13280 Substring Sorting
13281 Bermuda Polygon
13282 Cakey McCakeFace
13283 Table
13284 Macarons
13285 Candy Chain
13286 Ingredients
13287 Shattered Cake
13288 Cordon Bleu
13289 Kabobs
13290 Burglary
13291 Frosting on the Cake
13292 Blowing Candles
13293 All-star Three-point Contest
13294 Forming Better Groups
13295 Carrol's Scrabble
13296 Dominoes Magic Squares
13297 Extended Puzzle
13298 A Fibonacci Family Formula
13299 Tron Garbage Collector